
美国博物馆的非营利运营模式——以大都会艺术博物馆为例 被引量:3

The Non-Profit Operation Model of American Museums: A Case Study of The Metropolitan Museum of Art
摘要 非营利组织作为政府和企业之外的"第三部门",具有显著的灵活性特点,在促进经济增长、解决就业等方面发挥着重要作用。在美国,由于非营利机构在组织管理和获取赞助等方面具备优势,因此大量出现在文化艺术领域中,博物馆即为最典型和最重要的非营利机构。大都会艺术博物馆是美国最大的综合性博物馆,资金来源广泛,其管理和募款理念经历了一系列的改革并趋于完善。本文从追溯美国非营利组织的起源入手,分析博物馆采用非营利模式的原因;并且以大都会艺术博物馆为例,梳理其经费来源和特点,进而阐述美国博物馆的运营模式。 In addition to government and business,non-profit organizations play an important role as the"third sector"of American society.Compared with government and business,non-profit organizations have an advantage of flexibility,which has a role to play in promoting economic growth and creating new jobs.In the USA,due to their characteristics in organizational management,fundraising and sponsoring,a plenty of non-profit organizations are established in art and culture field,and museums are the most typical and important non-profit art institutions.The Metropolitan Museum of Art,America’s largest comprehensive museum,has the fullest source of donated funds,whose system of management and fundraising has undergone a series of reforms and improvements.Tracing back to the origin of non-profit organizations in the United States,this article analyzes the reasons why museums adopt the non-profit model,and takes The Metropolitan Museum as an example to discuss the main characteristics of non-profit organizations,fundraising and donation for instance,so as to form an overall discussion of non-profit organizations such as museums in the United States.
作者 黄小娇 Huang Xiaojiao
机构地区 中国国家博物馆
出处 《博物馆管理》 2020年第3期17-27,共11页 Museum Management
关键词 大都会艺术博物馆 美国博物馆 非营利组织 The Metropolitan Museum of Art American museums non-profit organizations
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