Since the discovery of the Kalatas No.1 Stone Figure in Altay City,Xinjiang,What is the instrument in the figure’s hand has always been an unresolved problem in the field of archaeology and museology in Xinjiang.The excavation at Yanghai Cemetery in Xinjiang and the nine complete wooden revolving darts unearthed in this cemetery provide a rare reference material for accurately deciphering the name of the instrument held by the Kalatas No.1 Stone Figure.Taking the wooden revolving darts unearthed in the Yanghai Cemetery in Shanshan County and in the Wubao Cemetery in Hami City as references,it can be clearly identified that the implement held by the Kalatas No.1 Stone Figure is a wooden revolving dart.Taking the decipherment of the wooden revolving dart held by the Kalatas No.1 Stone Figure as an opportunity to retrieve the Grassland Stone Figures found in Xinjiang in the past,it is preliminarily believed that the implements held by the No.3 Stone Figure of Kayinale No.1 Cemetery in Altay City,and by the Akezal Stone Figure in Burqin County and by the Stone Figure of No.2 ranch in Fuyun County can also be the wooden revolving darts.The cultural quality of these four Grassland Stone Figures holding the wooden revolving darts is the Qiemuerqieke Culture in Bronze Age in Altay Region,Xinjiang.Through the analogy of foreign archaeological and anthropological material,the function of the wooden revolving darts held by the Grassland Stone Figures in Xinjiang may be to hunt small animals such as waterfowls and rabbits.
Research of China's Frontier Archaeology