
中世纪欧洲政治与经济制度新探 被引量:1

A New Probe on the Political and Economic System in Medieval Europe
摘要 中世纪欧洲统治阶级之绝大多数,乃是虽然拥有政治权力却没有政治职务的各级庶民—庶民就是没有政治职务的人—领主;而国家官吏极少,官吏领主就更少了。就是这极少的官吏领主,与国王或其上级官吏的根本的决定性的关系,并不是政治职务意义上的上下级关系,而是两个领主(封君与封臣)的权利与义务相交换的私人契约关系,因而堪称名存实亡的官吏:中世纪(晚期除外)欧洲实质上是一种没有名副其实的官吏的社会。这意味着,中世纪欧洲土地几乎完全归庶民所有,因而不仅是土地民有制,不仅是人类历史上最纯粹最完全的民有制;而且是一种拥有政治权力的庶民土地所有制,一种既垄断经济权力又垄断政治权力的贵族土地民有制。 In medieval Europe,the vast majority of ruling class were the civil lords of different levels who had political power but no political positions,and common people were those who had no political positions.State officials were rare,so the official lords were even less.The fundamental relationship between the official lords and the king or their superiors is not the subordinate relationship in the sense of political positions,but the private contractual relationship with the exchange of rights and obligations of the two lords(seignior and vassals).In this sense,civil lords cannot be considered as veritable officials.Therefore,in the Middle Ages(except its late era)Europe is essentially a society without veritable officials,which means that lands of medieval Europe are almost entirely owned by common people.This kind of land ownership,is not only the purest and most complete civil ownership throughout the human history,but also the civil owners hip of land with political power,the aristocratic ownership of land which monopolized both the economy power and the political power.
作者 王海明
出处 《北大政治学评论》 2019年第2期3-21,共19页 Peking University Political Science Review
关键词 土地民有制 土地官有制 政治权力 政治职务 领主制 庄园制 封建制 civil ownership of land official ownership of land political power political position seignorial system manorialism feudalism
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