
摩洛哥苏非派的历史演进及当代影响 被引量:1

The Historical Evolution and Contemporary Influence of Sufism in Morocco
摘要 苏非派是摩洛哥历史悠久的伊斯兰教派之一,至今已有近千年历史,但在1956年摩洛哥独立之初却被政府边缘化,直到20世纪90年代才得以重新适应社会。苏非派的活跃一方面与其自身的创新息息相关,正是其与时俱进的革新与发展适应了现代社会,满足了民众的精神需求,也保证了自身的延续;另一方面,苏非派温和的宗教观与摩洛哥打击宗教极端思想、塑造温和伊斯兰教的宗教战略相契合,得到了政府的支持与鼓励。此外,苏非派对摩洛哥也产生了深远影响。对内,苏非派有助于传播忠诚、温和、开放的价值观,有利于社会的稳定;对外,苏非派有助于加强摩洛哥的对外交流,增强其国际影响力。 The Sufism,one of Morocco’s oldest Islamist sects,has been around for nearly a thousand years,but was sidelined by the government in the early years of Morocco’s independence in 1956 and being reintegrated in the 1990 s.On the one hand,the revival of Sufism is closely related to its own innovation.It is its innovation and development that keeps pace with the times that have adapted to modern society,met the spiritual needs of the people,and ensured its own continuity.On the other hand,the moderate religious views of the Sufism are in line with Morocco’s religious strategy of combating religious extremism and shaping moderate Islam,which is supported and encouraged by the government.In addition,the revival of the Sufism had a profound impact on Morocco.Internally,Sufism helped spread the values of loyalty,moderation and openness,and was conducive to social stability.Externally,the Sufism faction is conducive to strengthening Morocco’s foreign exchanges and enhancing its international influence.
作者 林友堂 LIN Youtang(Institute of Middle Eastern Studies,Northwest University)
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期75-95,157,共22页 Arab World Studies
关键词 摩洛哥 苏非派 政教关系 Morocco Sufism Politico-religious Relationship
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