Japan's Warring States period is a blank spot in the research of the history of Japanese sinology.Scholars from China as well as Japan in their research have by and large rarely taken the sinology of Japan's Waring States period as their subject,believing that at the time the sinology that concerned itself with Confucianism had not been developed yet,which saw its emergence not until the Edo period.However,the teachings and writings of the samurai(侍,also known as bushi 武士)have seldomly been used to analyze the historical materials relating to the development of Japanese sinology from before the Edo period.It is not difficult to see how during those days of protracted warfare,even though the dissemination of knowledge was impeded,the samurai of the warring states,under the instruction of the Buddhist clergy,in their ethical thinking and conduct already received the influence of Confucian ideas.They also borrowed insights from sinology for their personal cultivation and the education of their retainers,which laid the foundation for the spread of Confucianism in the Edo period afterwards.This goes to show that the function of Japan's Warring States period in the development of the"pre-Edo period"history of Japanese sinology indeed cannot be ignored and is of crucial importance to the research of it.
International Studies on Confucianism
Japan’s Warring States period
Sengoku daimyo
samurai society