

The Story of“Sun Ce’s Angry Beheading of Yu Ji”from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms:Transformations,Adaptations and Interpretations in Europe
摘要 19世纪下半叶英、法、德等国对《三国演义》第29回“小霸王怒斩于吉”故事进行了不同版本的翻译、解读、文学重构和文本阐释。该故事在欧洲的流变体现了中国故事在世界文学系统流传过程中的传承性、开放性和拓展性。在英语世界,汉学家艾约瑟、邓罗、卜舫济等人对该故事选段进行了选译和评论,该故事在英语世界的文化和文学语境中的流布具有较为稳定的传承性;在法语世界,法国汉学家巴维在《三国演义》译本中表现出对该故事中道教地位的关注,又在中篇小说《巫师于吉》中为故事建构了新的叙事框架,将其适配在世界文学的话语体系中,对故事中的生活细节进行了一些增衍,使故事呈现出更多异域风情。在德语世界,保尔·海泽在对“小霸王怒斩于吉”的故事情节改编中将德语诗学和文化语境嵌入中国故事,为之进行了独特的美学形式重构和文化内涵重塑。而德国汉学家阿恩特和当代汉学学者对《三国演义》故事情节的征引和阐释则体现了西方意识形态对东方的有意建构,其目的在于使中国故事符合西方话语语境的逻辑,从而确认并强化西方自身的文化价值观。“小霸王怒斩于吉”故事在欧洲的流变、改编与阐释体现了中国故事融入西方文化语境需应对的矛盾,对研究世界文学作品中的“中国故事”在西方文化和文学语境中呈现出怎样的文化价值的变异规律具有重要的启示。 In the second half of the 19th century,different versions of the story of“Sun Ce’s Angry Beheading of Yu Ji”in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms were translated,adapted,literarily reconstructed and textually interpreted in England,France and Germany.The story’s circulation in Europe exemplifies the inheritance,openness and expansibility of Chinese stories in the process of circulation in the world’s literary systems.In the English-speaking world,selections from the story have been translated and commented on by sinologists such as Joseph Edkins,C.H.Brewitt-Taylor and Francis Lister Hawks Pott.The story’s circulation in the cultural and literary contexts of the English-speaking world has seen a relatively stable inheritance.In the French-speaking world,the French sinologist Theodore Pavie(1847‒1925)showed his concern for the status of Taoism in the story in his translation of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.Pavie constructed a new narrative framework for the story in his novel Yu-Ki le magicien,adapting it to the discourse of world literature,and making some additions to the details of the characters’daily lives,which allows the story to take on an exotic flavor.In the German-speaking world,Paul Heyse’s literary reconstruction of the storyline of“The Young Warlord Beheads Yu Ji”embeds German poetics and cultural contexts in the Chinese story,demonstrating a unique aesthetic reconstruction of its form and cultural connotation.On another front,the quotation within and interpretation of this storyline by the German sinologist Carl Arendt(1838‒1902)and contemporary sinologists manifest the intentional construction of the East in assent with Western ideology,which seeks to have Chinese stories conform to the logic of Western discourse,thus confirming and reinforcing the cultural values of the Westerners.The transformations,adaptations and interpretations of the story of“Sun Ce’s Angry Beheading of Yu Ji”in Europe evince the contradictions that need to be dealt with when Chinese stories are integrated into the Western cultural contexts.This research provides an important insight into the study of how Chinese stories in world literature present their cultural values in the Western cultural and literary contexts.
作者 远思 YUAN Si(Nankai Univerisity)
机构地区 南开大学
出处 《国际比较文学(中英文)》 2023年第3期126-137,共12页 International Comparative Literature
关键词 《三国演义》 欧洲汉学 中国故事 流变 Romance of the Three Kingdoms European sinology Chinese stories transformations
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  • 1《后汉书》卷七十一《皇甫嵩传》,中华书局1965年版,第2299、2299-2300页.
  • 2《三国志》,中华书局1982年第二版,第265页.
  • 3晋·干宝《搜神记》卷一《于吉》,参见《汉魏六朝笔记小说大观》,上海古籍出版社1999年版,第284页.









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