
电网企业纵向一体化、成本效率与主辅分离改革 被引量:11

Vertical Integration, Cost-efficiency and Main-auxiliary Business Separation Reform of Power Grid Corporation
摘要 深入推进电网企业主辅分离是中国新一轮电力体制改革的一项重要内容。基于电网企业主辅业纵向一体化的特征事实,本文构建理论模型论证了电网企业主辅分离与成本效率的关系,并尝试利用16家世界主要电网企业2008—2018年数据进行实证检验。研究表明:(1)电网企业将主业垄断势力延伸至相关竞争性辅业领域,实施多种纵向一体化策略行为损害了公平竞争机制,降低了企业成本效率。(2)在现有输配电定价模式下,电网企业主辅一体化不仅会使得自然垄断环节产生A-J效应,而且在竞争性辅业领域还会形成要素扭曲效应。从数值模拟结果看,主辅分离将缓解要素边际扭曲程度。(3)从实证结果看,国家电网有限公司和中国南方电网公司分别以0.61和0.44的成本效率值,位列样本企业第11位和第15位,与其他主辅分离程度较高(成本效率较高)的电网企业相比,存在较大的效率提升空间,并验证了提出的理论假说。本文认为政府应多维度推进电网企业主辅分离改革,形成有效竞争格局和可持续的降本增效机制。同时,研究结论将为分析电网企业纵向一体化反竞争效应和成本效率测算提供理论和实证依据,并为政府有关部门推进电网企业主辅分离改革,做强做优做大电网企业主业,同时促进电力行业竞争性环节市场化改革提供决策参考。 It is an important part of China’s power system reform to further promote the main-auxiliary business separation(MABS)for power grid corporations.Based on the characteristics of vertical integration of the main and auxiliary businesses for power grid corporations,this paper constructs a theoretical model,demonstrates the theoretical hypothesis of the relationship between MABS and cost efficiency,and tries to use the data of 16 major power grid corporations in the world from 2008 to 2018 to conduct an empirical test.The results show that:(1)the power grid corporations extend the monopoly power of the main business to the relevant competitive auxiliary businesses,and implement a variety of vertical integration strategies,which damages the fair competition mechanism and reduces the cost-efficiency of the corporations.(2)Under the current pricing mode of transmission and distribution price,the integration of main-auxiliary business for power grid corporations will not only cause AJ effect in natural monopoly,but also cause factor distortion effect in competitive auxiliary industry.From the results of numerical simulation,MABS will alleviate the marginal distortion of factors.(3)From the empirical results,State Grid Corporation of China and China Southern Power Grid rank 11th and 15th in the sample corporations with cost efficiency values of 0.61 and 0.44 respectively.Compared with other power grid corporations with higher separation degree of main and auxiliary power(higher cost efficiency),there is a larger space for efficiency improvement,and the theoretical hypothesis is verified.This paper argues that the government should promote the reform of MABS for power grid corporations in multiple dimensions to form an effective competition pattern and a sustainable cost reduction and efficiency mechanism.At the same time,the research conclusions provide theoretical and empirical basis for the analysis of anti-competitive effect and cost-efficiency calculation of vertical integration of power grid corporations,and it also provides reference for government departments to promote the reform of MABS for power grid corporations,to strengthen,optimize and enlarged the main business of power grid corporations and to promote the market reform of competitive links of power industry.
作者 王俊豪 金暄暄 刘相锋 WANG Jun-hao;JIN Xuan-xuan;LIU Xiang-feng(China Institute of Regulation Research ZUFE,Hangzhou 310018,China;China Research Institute of Regulation and Public Policy ZUFE,Hangzhou 310018,China)
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期42-60,共19页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国特色政府监管理论体系与应用研究”(批准号18ZDA111) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“中国新能源补贴政策评价、精准补贴机制与激励性规制研究”(批准号72003168)
关键词 电网企业 纵向一体化 成本效率 主辅分离 power grid corporation vertical integration cost-efficiency main-auxiliary business separation
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