
欧盟反恐战略的实施成效研究 被引量:3

On the Implementation Effectiveness of EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy
摘要 欧盟理事会于2005年12月通过的《欧盟反恐战略》是欧盟层面协调成员国反恐的首个战略性方针,它的出台标志着欧盟全面而连续的反恐政策框架的形成。欧盟反恐战略的框架体系由预防政策、安全保护、追踪制裁政策和危机反应政策“四大支柱”构成,其实施路径可以划分为三种类型和两条主线。此后,欧盟反恐战略不断发展完善。战略实施过程中,分别在政策领域、反恐机构设置、反恐实践以及国际合作上取得了一定的进步乃至成效,但仍然面临反恐机构职能重叠、成员国缺乏反恐共识、欧盟欠缺领导能力等诸多困境与挑战。 The EU counter-terrorism strategy adopted by the Council of the European Union in December 2005 is the first strategic policy for coordinating member states’counter-terrorism at the EU level.Its promulgation marks the formation of the EU’s comprehensive and continuous counter-terrorism policy framework,which consists of“four pillars”of prevention policies,security protections,tracking sanctions policies,and crisis response policies.The implementation paths can be divided into three types and two main lines.Since then,the EU’s counter-terrorism strategy has continued to develop and improve.During the implementation of the strategy,certain progress have been achieved in policy areas,the establishment of counter-terrorism institutions,counter-terrorism practices,and international cooperation.However,there are still many difficulties and challenges,such as overlapping functions of counter-terrorism institutions,lacking of counter-terrorism“consensus”among member states,and lacking of leadership in the EU.
作者 刘轶 Liu Yi(Xinjiang Police College)
机构地区 新疆警察学院
出处 《国际关系研究》 CSSCI 2022年第2期129-154,159,共27页 Journal of International Relations
基金 2017年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“欧盟反恐战略对新疆反恐斗争的启示”(项目批准号:17YJAGJW002)的阶段性成果
关键词 欧盟 反恐战略 实施成效 European Union counter-terrorism strategy implementation effectiveness
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