The ancient Chinese geographic record entitled Key Records of the Nine Precincts(Jiuzhou yaoji)is already lost to the ages.A Qing(1644-1911)scholar named Wang Mo collected the scattered fragments and included seventy entries into his Compilation of Lost Writings of the Han and Wei Dynasties(Han Wei yishu chao).His compilation helps to salvage some precious resources,thus is of considerable value.Nevertheless,when compared with other related documents,these texts seem to contain substantial number of errors,including misediting,derivation,omission and similar glyphic and phonetic errors,which can be misleading to its readers.On the basis of Wang Mo’s work,by comparative studies with other literary records,this article corrects the errors so as to restore the original version of the Key Records of the Nine Precincts.
Journal of Gugong Studies
Wang Mo
Key Reocrds of the Nine Precincts(Jiuzhou yaoji)
Gazetteer of the World During the Taiping Period(Taiping huanyu ji)
Imperially Reviewed Encyclopedia of the Taiping Era(Taiping yulan)