Donald Trump was the first U.S.president to openly provoke confrontation between China and the United States.After the Biden administration came to power,it has continued to pursue the policy of confrontation with China,making it impossible for China-US relations to return to the past.After reading through the Biden administration’s interim guide to national security strategy issued on March 3,2021,it is found that except the rhetorical differences,the new government’s perception of China can be said to have basically followed the views of the previous government.On the other hand,China’s words and deeds towards the US have not changed significantly since the Biden administration took office.If the root cause of the China-US confrontation lies in the so-called"Thucydides Trap",it is not surprising that China-US relations have not changed dramatically following the change of US government.However,even if the confrontation between the two countries is inevitable,we cannot just stand idly by and watch the intensification of confrontation.This is because if China and the US engage in naked competition with a zero-sum mentality,it will definitely endanger the peace and prosperity of the whole world,especially the East Asia.
Yukio Hatoyama;Liu Shuliang
Public Diplomacy Quarterly