Tecto nic stresses of Ce ntral Asia(limited by geographic coo rdinates 36-46°N,56-76°E)over the rece nt times are modeled based on moment elasticity,taking into account the focal mechanism of earthquakes.Numerical results obtained by the method of boundary integral equations.The relief of the earth’s surface,built on the map of Central Asia used to verify the solution of the inverse elasticity problem.The moment elasticity equations are simplified by assumingωk=εijkμi,j,which makes it possible to return to classical theory of elasticity,with the difference that the stress tensor ceases to be symmetricσij≠σji.Based on the specifics of the geodynamic formulation of problems,the three-dimensional model reduced to a two-dimensional model for averaged stresses and displacements.According to the results,a displacement field was constructed,which is fully consistent with the movements of the earth’s surface,established by the GPS method.The model makes it possible to determine stresses variations in the region from earthquakes occurring in Central Asia.
supported by program of arthquake sciences No.8007 and No.20170918111