

How Literary Criticism Becomes History:The Formation of the Concept of History of Chinese Literary Criticism and Its Early Practice
摘要 中国文学批评史作为一种著述形态和知识类型的确立,在20世纪中国的学术发展历程中经历了观念发生到批评史书写实践的演进过程。其中范祎、朱光潜、陈钟凡等三人有着不容忽视的作用:范祎《中国的文学批评家》汲取传统文苑传的精义,以人为纲勾勒中国文学批评史的雏形;朱光潜《中国文学之未开辟的领土》提出“成一种中国文学批评史”的主张;陈钟凡《中国文学批评史》则是公开出版的第一部中国文学批评史著作。考察20世纪早期中国文学批评史观念的形成及其早期实践,还原现代学术研究范式与中国传统文论资源碰撞、对接、揉合的复杂历史状况,以此探究用西方“文学批评”观念统摄中国传统文论的意义及其局限,可为当下探讨建构基于中国文学批评实践的批评史理论和话语提供参照。 The history of Chinese literary criticism,as a form of writing and the establishment of a type of knowledge,has undergone the evolution of conceptual occurrence to the writing practice of the history of criticism in the academic development of China in the 20th century.Among them,Fan Yi,Zhu Guangqian and Chen Zhongfan have a role that cannot be ignored.Fan Yi's Literary Critics of China draws on the essence of the traditional literary biography,and outlines the embryonic form of the history of Chinese literary criticism with people as the key link.Zhu Guangqian's The Unopened Territory of Chinese Literature put forward the proposition of becoming a kind of history of Chinese literary criticism.Chen Zhongfan's History of Chinese Literary Criticism is the first published work on the history of Chinese literary criticism.This paper investigates the formation of the concept of history of Chinese literary criticism and its early practice in the early 20th century,and restores the complicated historical situation of the collision,docking and blending of modern academic research paradigm and traditional Chinese literary resources,so as to explore the significance and limitations of using the western concept of literary criticism to unify traditional Chinese literary theory,and provide a reference for the current discussion and construction of the theory and discourse of the history of criticism based on the practice of Chinese literary criticism.
作者 余来明 高慧霞 Yu Laiming;Gao Huixia
出处 《古代文学理论研究》 2023年第1期486-507,共22页 Studies of Ancient Chinese Literary Theory
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中国学术话语古今演变研究”(22JJD750042) 国家社科基金项目“中国现代学术话语的生成与建构”(22VRC181)阶段性成果 2021年度武汉大学中国传统文化研究中心研究生自主科研项目“中国古代文学形式批评的当代建构”(2021RICYJS-07)
关键词 文学批评 中国文学批评史 范祎 朱光潜 陈钟凡 literary criticism history of Chinese literary criticism Fan Yi Zhu Guangqian Chen Zhongfan
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