
文章化注经的阐释转向——以《四书解缚编》为中心的探讨 被引量:1

The Interpretation Change of the Article’s Annotate Classics:Focuses on The Four Books Jie Fu Bian
摘要 出于八股取士的内在需求,至明后期出现了大量四书用书。这些著作不再如嘉靖之前以谨守集注、阐扬义理为尚,而是转向趋新竞奇。其迎合了晚明科考中的趋奇心理,从"利捷"与"标新"上着眼以刺激士子的阅读欲望,序言中表达的"解经"与"作文"结合的阐释思路,体现出对四书用书的文章化注解的倾向。钟天元《四书解缚编》正是此种风气下的产物,以《论语》为例,钟氏重视行文间的逻辑,及结合"语言"和"心理"挖掘言外之"原意"。这种解读体现出注经观念的变化,它脱离传统以经解经的束缚,表现出对圣人话语在心理层面的思考,开始呈现融合四部以解经的面貌。这样实则架起了经学文章化阐释的桥梁,时文写作的文学性也被大大激活。随着八股文的没落,时文讲章的研究也陷入尴尬的悬置境地,而八股文视域的复归可以避免纯粹的经学研究和文学研究这种单一视角的遮蔽性,也有助于以《论语》、《孟子》为代表的《四书》文章化阐释的继续展开,以此有补于文学史写作。 Out of the internal demand of the Eight-Legged Essay Test,a large number of exegesis books appeared in the late Ming Dynasty.These works tended to originality and were no longer as the previous works of Jiajing,which used to observe annotation by Zhu Xi.It catered to the trend of novelty in the late Ming imperial examinations,from"lijie"and"new"to stimulate the desire to read,the preface expressed the"interpretation of classics"and"composition"combined with the interpretation of ideas,reflecting the tendency to annotate the four books by articles.Zhong Tianyuan\s The Four Books Jie Fu Bian was the product of this kind of atmosphere.Taking"The Analects"as an example,Zhong attached importance to the inter-textual rules and regulations,and explored the"original intention"beyond words with the combination of"language"and"psychology".This interpretation reflected the change of the concept of annotation,which break away from the traditional restrictions of scripture interpretation and reflected the thinking on the psychological level of the discourse of the sage.It began to take on the appearance of the fusion of four subsets to exorcise interpreting classics.In fact,it was a bridge to interpret the Confucian classics by articles,and the literary nature of contemporary writing was greatly activated.With the decline of the Eight-part essay,the study of the chapter of the article was also in an awkward position,and the restoration of the scope of the article could avoid the pure cover of the study of Confucian classics and the study of literature from a single perspective.The literary value of the four books in the late Ming dynasty has still much to be explored,and the study will also be useful for literary history writing.
作者 周丹丹 Zhou Dandan
出处 《古代文学理论研究》 2019年第1期127-147,共21页 Studies of Ancient Chinese Literary Theory
基金 国家社科规划项目“科举视阈中的中国文学批评与文学理论”(项目号13BZW031)阶段性成果.
关键词 四书用书 经学文章化 钟天元 《四书解缚编》 视域 Exegesis books to interpret the Confucian classics by articles Zhong Tianyuan The Four Books Jie Fu Bian horizon
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