Many theoretical works on realism following Morgenthau are easily misunderstood as encouraging countries to expand their power and wage war,and even equate realism with the root of political tragedy in big countries.In fact,in schools of realist theories,scholars who prefer power balance,threat balance or interest balance,as well as offensive realism and defensive realism,regard strategic prudence as an important virtue of power politics to varying degrees.By combing the realist traditional thought of strategic prudence,this paper explores the finite nature of strategic rationality and the widespread uncertainty and complexity of rationality and irrationality in power politics,and reveals that the desire for power is the logical starting point of Morgenthau’s prudence thought.Then it explains the essence of Morgenthau’s strategic prudence theory,including traditionalism analysis path,strengthening the idea of balance of power,dynamic balance between strategic objectives and strategic means,taking into account power and morality,defining interests by power,shaping threat perception,and avoiding the expansion of threat expectation.It analyzes Morgenthau’s analysis path in pursuit of a compromise between scientific behaviorism and traditionalism,and explores the influence of Morgenthau’s thought on other theories of international relations.
National Security Forum