A new species of the genus Clubiona is described based on the specimens collected from Jiugong mountains,Hubei,China.The new species can be placed in the Clubiona trivialis-group and is proposed to name as:Clubiona bi sp.nov..The type specimen is deposited in School of Nuclear Technology and Chemistry&Biology,Hubei University of Science and Technology.Diagnosis,detailed description,illustrations and distribution map of the species are provided.
本文记述了采集自中国湖北九宫山的管巢蛛属1新种,并提供了该种的详细描述,外形,外生殖器彩色图版,及地理分布图.该物种名为鼻管巢蛛Clubiona bi sp.nov.,归属于三叉管巢蛛种组.模式标本保存于湖北科技学院核技术与化学生物学院.
Acta Arachnologica Sinica
supported by the Scientific Research Project of Education Department of Hubei Province(Q20222806)
the Natural Sciences Foundation of Xianning City(2022ZRKX063)
College Students'Innovation and entrepreneurship project of Hubei Province(S202310927009)
a PhD grant from Hubei University of Science and Technology(BK202114).