
一个Ⅰ型遗传性球形红细胞增多症家系的ANK1基因突变分析 被引量:1

Analysis of ANK1 gene mutation in a family with hereditary spherocytosis type Ⅰ
摘要 目的探讨1个Ⅰ型遗传性球形红细胞增多症(hereditary spherocytosis,HSⅠ)家系的遗传学病因.方法收集先证者及其直系血亲的外周血,提取基因组DNA,应用高通量测序技术分析相关基因的序列,对发现的可疑致病变异采用Sanger测序法进行验证.结果在先证者ANK1基因的第2外显子编码区检出1个新的杂合性移码缺失(c.247delG:p.His83Ser fs*3).Sanger测序证实了该突变的存在,并在先证者父亲及哥哥中检出了相同的突变.结论ANK1基因编码区c.247delC移码突变很可能是该HSⅠ家系的致病原因. Objective To detect the disease-causing mutation in a family with hereditary spherocytosis typeⅠ.Methods Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of the proband and his relatives.Next-generation sequencing was used to detect the mutations of relevant genes.Suspected pathogenic mutation was verified by Sanger sequencing.Results The proband was found to harbor a novel frameshifting mutation in the coding region of ANK1 gene,which has resulted in abnormal structure or function of the protein.The mutation was confirmed by Sanger sequencing,with both his father and brother found to have carried the same mutation.Conclusion The c.247delG mutation of proband hereditary spherocytosis typeⅠin this family due to mutation of the ANK1 gene.
作者 李栋梁 李博伦 李素欣 李文静 王友君 郭晓 Li Dongliang;Li Bolun;Li Suxin;Li Wenjing;Wang Youjun;Guo Xiao(Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050082,China;The Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050051,China)
出处 《中华医学遗传学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2019年第10期999-1001,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics
关键词 遗传性球形红细胞增多症 ANK1基因 突变 目标序列捕获 高通量测序 Hereditary spherocytosis ANK1 gene Mutation Targeted sequence capture Next-generation sequencing
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