在上海这座动物友好城市,中国宠物营养先驱企业佩蒂为爱宠人士建立了一个多功能社交中心.Paw Day旗舰店综合宠物洗护沙龙、宠物食品、日托寄养、户外活动区域、犬类训练游泳池和咖啡店.这个有趣的品牌以可爱图标和高调明亮的色彩吸引年轻人到来.整体室内设计呈现出活泼俏皮的氛围,同时向大众传递出品牌优势和爱宠理念.
In a city of animal lovers,leading Chinese pet nutrition company Peidi has created a community home for pet lovers in Shanghai.The flagship retail space,Paw Day encompasses a pet spa,salon,fresh food,daycare,hotel,an outdoor activity zone,dog swimming pool and a coffee shop.The fun-loving brand was visualized with cute icons and strong colours appealing to a youthful and young audience.The interior design needed to reflect this fun and playful nature but with a premium edge which reflected the brand and the audience.
Interior Architecture of China