文学文本实现的言语行为因其本身的复杂性而区别于日常语言实现的言语行为.因此,必须对奥斯汀基于日常言语行为提出的言语行为进行整合与变异,以阐释文学文本所实现的言语行为.文章以奥斯汀和米勒的言语行为理论为框架,根据言语行为参与者身份,把小说实现的言语行为分为两大类:文外言语行为(out-text speech acts)和文内言语行为(in-text speech acts),又以话语目的为标准,尝试进一步将文外言语行为分为:建构型(constructives)、告知型(notificatives)、表达型(expressives)、劝导型(persuasives)、教诲型(di-dactictives)五类,并以小说《米德尔马契》为例进一步阐释这五种文外言语行为及其相互关系,以进一步增补言语行为理论内容,打破其局限性,使其适用于分析更多语言形式.
The speech act realized by literary text is different from the one realized by ordinary language due to its complexity.Therefore,it is necessary to integrate and mutate the speech act theory proposed by Austin on the basis of daily speech acts in order to explain the speech acts achieved by literary texts.Following Austin and Miller’s explorations on speech act theory,this paper divides the speech acts realized by the novel into out-text speech acts and in-text speech acts according to the identities of participants,and tries to further divide the out-text speech acts into constructives,notificatives,expressives,persuasives and didactictives based on the purpose of the speech act,as well as takes Middlemarch as an example to further explain these five out-text speech acts and their interrelationships,so as to further supplement the content of speech act theory,break its limitations,and make it applicable to analyze more language forms.
Modern English