
慢性重型肝炎采用血浆置换治疗的配合护理体会 被引量:1

With Chronic Severe Hepatitis Using Plasma Exchange Therapy Nursing
摘要 目的:探讨慢性重型肝炎采用血浆置换治疗的配合护理措施及效果。方法选取我院自2010年1月至2012年1月收治的40例行血浆置换治疗的慢性重型肝炎患者,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果本组40例患者经血浆置换术治疗及护理后患者临床症状均有不同程度的改善,其中21例患者病情稳定,好转出院,15例患者病情稳定后成功行肝移植治疗,3例患者自动出院,1例患者亡。结论在给予重型肝炎患者血浆置换术治疗同时给予患者相应的配合护理,有助于患者更好的配合治疗,且有利于患者病情恢复,临床效果显著,值得推广和应用。 Objective To explore the nursing measures of patients with chronic severe hepatitis and the effect of plasma exchange therapy.Methods The patients with chronic severe hepatitis in our hospital from 2010 January to 2012 January were 40 cases of plasma replacement therapy,and the clinical data were retrospectively analyzed.Results in this group,40 patients with improvement of clinical symptoms had different degrees of treatment and nursing of plasma replacement,including 21 cases of patients with stable disease,improved and discharged,15 patients with stable disease after the success of liver transplantation,3 patients discharged from hospital,1 patients were dead.Conclusion in the patients in a plasma exchange in the treatment of severe hepatitis and nursing patients with corresponding,treatment can help patients better,and is benefit to the patients,the clinical efficacy is significant,worthy of promotion and application.
作者 豆灿灿 Dou Cancan(Shangqiu City,Henan Province Branch of the First People's Hospital of Infectious Diseases域,476100)
出处 《临床研究》 2014年第8期10-10,15,共2页 Clinical Research
关键词 慢性重型肝炎 血浆置换 配合护理 chronic severe hepatitis plasma exchange nursing
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