带状疱疹是一种常见的病毒性皮肤病,与水痘为同一种水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)所引起,在无或免疫力低下的人群(多数为儿童)初次感染此病毒后,临床上表现为水痘或呈隐匿性行感染,以后此病毒进入皮肤的感觉神经末梢,且沿着脊髓后根或三叉神经节的神经纤维向中心移动,持久的潜伏于脊髓后根神经节的神经元中。在各种诱发刺激的作用下,潜伏的病毒再次被激活,生长繁殖,使受侵犯的神经节发炎坏死,产生神经痛。同时,在活动的病毒可沿着周围神经纤维而移动到皮肤,在皮肤上产生带状疱疹所特有的阶段性水疱疹[1]。本文回顾性分析1例患者因失治,导致腰背部产生成簇水疱,丘疱疹。治疗上给予膦甲酸钠氯化钠注射液(可耐)3.0静脉滴注,输注时间>2 h,1次/d,口服甲钴胺片0.5 mg,3次/d,维生素B1片10 mg,3次/d,疗效满意。
Shingles is a common viral skin diseases,and for the same kind of chickenpox varicella-zoster virus(VZV)caused,in the absence or immunocompromised people(mostly children)primary infection with this virus after the clinical manifestations of infection with chickenpox or were concealed sexual activity,after the virus enters the skin sensory nerve endings and nerve fibers along the spinal cord to the center section of the trigeminal nerve root or mobile,durable lurking in the spinal dorsal root ganglia neurons.Inducing stimuli in a variety of roles,latent virus is activated again,growth and reproduction,so that violations of ganglion inflammation and necrosis,resulting in neuralgia.Meanwhile,the active virus can be moved along the circumference of the nerve fibers in the skin,resulting in a unique stage herpes zoster skin herpes water(1)This retrospective analysis of one patient due to loss of governance,resulting in lower back produces clusters of blisters,Qiu herpes.Given the treatment foscarnet sodium chloride injection(resistant)3.0 intravenously infusion time>2h,once daily,oral mecobalamin piece 0.5mg,3 times a day,vitamin B1 tablets 10mg,daily three times,the results were satisfactory,the first report is as follows.
CHANG Ya-li(The First People's Hospital of Ruzhou City,Ruzhou 467500,Henan,China)