2019 年 5 月 17 日,以''沃'行千里,智享未来'为主题的第2 届陕西省公交电动化高峰论坛暨开沃汽车产品推介会在西安召开,开沃集团主要领导,陕西省发改委、汽车工业协会、西安新能源汽车产业协会等单位领导,长安大学汽车学院学者、专家,西北地区城市公交企业代表等共同参加活动.陕西关中平原自古以来风调雨顺,土地肥沃,农业发达,是黄河流域华夏文明的发祥地,也为秦国文明的兴起奠定了强大基础,所以号称'八百里秦川'.2200 多年后的今天,可谓沧桑巨变,这片土地顺应市场,再次迎来了新能源交通工具.
May 17,2019,the 2th Summit of Shaan Xi Electric Powered Public Bus and the Presentation of Skywell Bus Products was held in Xi’an,Shaan Xi province.For this event,Skywell Group demonstrated a series of new energy vehicles,and discussed and exchanged views with other participating representatives for the future development of new energy vehicles.
Commercial Vehicle