To explore the toxicological profile of methanol extract of Chlorophytum alismifolium (MECA) tubers in Wistar rats. Methods: MECA was subjected to acute and sub-acute studies which were conducted according to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 425 and 407 guidelines respectively). In the acute toxicity experiment, a limit test (5000 mg/kg) was administered to five rats and monitored for 2 weeks. The sub-acute studies were conducted on 4 groups of rats. The first group served as control, while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups received MECA (150, 300 and 600 mg/kg respectively). The treatments were given orally and daily for 4 weeks. At the end of the experiment (29th day), the animals were euthanized to obtain blood samples and organs for haematological, biochemical and histological evaluations. Results: Acute toxicity study showed that the oral median lethal dose was >5000 mg/kg. In the sub-acute studies, the results showed no significant (P>0.05) changes in the haematological, hepatic and renal indices compared to control animals. In the fourth week, a significant (P<0.01) increase in body weight of the rats was observed at 150 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg compared to week one. However, there were no major changes in the organ/body weights of the rats. Histological examination of the kidney showed slight glomerular adhesion and tubular distortion. Moderate hepatic necrosis was observed at 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg. Conclusions: The results of this research revealed that the MECA tubers is virtually non-toxic after acute administration and it has low sub-acute toxicity potential in rats.