目的:探讨荧光素眼底血管造影(fundus fluorescein angiography,FFA)的安全性及不良反应的处理方法。方法:总结连续4 a在本院检查的FFA的8 344例病人中不良反应的发生率及抢救重度不良反应病人的方法。结果:8 344例病人中,发生不良反应的共693例,占8.30%,其中轻中度不良反应有664例(7.95%);重度反应29例(0.35%)。轻、中度不良反应者一般无须特殊处理,嘱病人深呼吸或休息片刻便能缓解;重度不良反应的病人经过积极的抗过敏及对症治疗,症状得到缓解,未遗留后遗症,无死亡病例。结论:行FFA可发生轻重不一的不良反应,在检查过程中,要重视病人的全身情况,严格掌握好适应证及禁忌证,熟悉各种不良反应的表现和规律,对重度不良反应病人应及时抢救及处理,以确保患者的安全。
Purpose: To investigate the safety of fluorescein angiography and to evaluate the examination.Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 8 344 patients who underwent fluorescein angiography in our hospital in the past four years .The rate of adverse events was calculated and the emergency management for severe cases was discussed.Results: There were 693 cases (8.3%) of adverse events occurring in the patients.Many of them were mild or moderate ones, which were 664 cases in number and were 7.87% in rate. The other...
Eye Science