这个把控1400多家连锁店的中国最大零售公司,增长很快,但是,它有更大的“胃口”,并制订了周密的商业方法。 有请联华出场竞技!
Lianhua Supermarket, a rapidly growing retailer withmore than 1,600 chain stores in China, has been earningthe biggest buck among Chinese retailers tn past threeyears.Its senior management,however, is not satisfiedwith the success.The reason why it opens a "lion'smouth"is that transnational retailer giants are in a fiercefight in the market. Carrefour. a France-based retailer already with 28stores in China, is planning for another 10 this year.while Wal-Mart 8 more. Germany-based Meron has beenapproved to o...