
EBG结构在天线设计中的应用及发展动态 被引量:2

Application and Development of EBG Structure in Antenna Design
摘要 电磁带隙结构作为一种新型的人工结构,它所特有的禁带特性使得电磁带隙结构有着广泛的应用。介绍电磁带隙结构的概念,综述目前电磁带隙结构的类型和研究进展,电磁带隙结构所具有的抑制表面波特性能大大提高天线增益,降低阵列天线单元间的互扰,而且增大了带宽;作为覆层的电磁带隙缺陷结构能极大提高天线的方向性和辐射效率,突出表现在口径天线方面;同时同相反射特性使得减小天线体积成为可能,电磁带隙结构的这些特性及其未来的发展展趋势为高性能天线研究提供新的设计思想。 Electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure is as a new kind of artificial material, whose unique features give rise to extensive applications of it in antenna. This paper gives a brief introduction on EBG structure, and it is latest application on antenna design. The EBG structure is capable of suppressing surface waves in the substrates;it can use this feature to improve the antenna characteristic, such as to improve the gain, to reduce the mutual coupling between antenna array elements, and to increase bandw...
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2008年第1期21-28,5,共9页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 电磁带隙 光子晶体 天线 electromagnetic bandgap photonic crystal antenna
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