

Problems in Design of Lightweight Steel Structures ——Part of examination notes on working drawings
摘要 笔者在审图工作中感到当前轻钢结构设计中存在一些问题,潜藏着不安全因素,诸如1)钢材尺寸负偏差太大,钢结构设计时应采取相应对策2)单面角焊缝在沿海大风区的大跨度门式刚架中不宜采用3)屋面水平支撑要注意自成几何不变体系4)门式刚架斜梁坡度较陡时应注意斜梁压弯稳定问题5)下撑式檩条一般不具备抗风吸力的能力。在这里提请同行讨论和关注。 It is pointed out in this paper that some unsafe factors exist in design of lightweight steel structures, e.g., ①negative deviation of steel-place s thickness is too large; ②it is not appropriate to use one-side-filled angle weld on large span portal frame in coastal areas with strong wind; ③horizontal bracing system in roof must be stabilized by itself; ④full attention must be paid on flexural-compressive buckling of steep inclined beam of portal frame; ⑤purli n with steel bar as lower chord usually can no...
作者 龚昌基
出处 《福建建筑》 2005年第2期42-43,28,共3页 Fujian Architecture & Construction
关键词 负偏差 沿海大风区 单面角焊缝 几何不变体系 压弯稳定 容许长细比 negative deviation coastal areas with strong wind one-side-filled angle weld self-stabilized system flexural-compressive buckling allowable slende rness index
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