在近海石油领域内 ,人们已经把技术开发的方向转移到了更深水域。但另一方面 ,对于常规的固定式近海平台装置 ,其经济性和结构尺寸都要求水深不宜超过 36 6m。为此 ,研制出一种新型结构 ,即柔性塔 ,该结构是由底部支承的近海平台 ,并安装在水深为 5 4 4m的墨西哥湾。在此介绍柔性塔的理论和优点以及Petronius柔性塔(水深纪录保持者 )
Within the offshore pertroleum sector,people have become convinced that the direction of technological development was strongly guided by the industry′s move into ever deeper waters Deep,deeper and beyond became the direction which fascinated the minds of offshore men But on the other hand,the economic and structure physical size of the conventional fixed offshore platforms are not suitable for the water depth of more than 366m Therefore a new concept of a bottom supported offshore platform,compliant tow...
Steel Construction