
水溶液中异喹啉与羟基的作用机理 被引量:1

The Reaction Mechanism Studies on Isoquinoline with Hydroxyl Radical in Aqueous Solution
摘要 利用脉冲辐解技术对异喹啉水溶液与羟基的作用机理进行了详细研究,对其瞬态吸收峰进行了归属,初步考察了这些瞬态粒子的生成和衰减行为.研究表明,.OH与异喹啉在中性和碱性条件下反应生成羟基加合物,生成速率常数分别为3.4×109和6.6×109mol-1.dm3.s-1.在酸性条件下异喹啉先被质子化,再与羟基发生加成反应,反应速率常数为3.9×109mol-1.dm3.s-1,这为异喹啉的氧化降解提供了理论基础. The reaction mechanism between isoquinoline and()~·OH radical in aqueous dilute solutions under different conditions was studied by pulse radiolysis.The main characteristic peaks in these transient absorption spectra were attributed and the growth-decay trends of several transient species were investigated.Under neutral or alkaline conditions,the reaction of()~·OH radical and isoquinoline produces OH-adducts with respective rate constant of 3.4×10~9 and 6.6×10~9 mol^(-1)·dm^3·s^(-1) while under acidic condi...
出处 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期774-778,共5页 Journal of Fudan University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50572074)
关键词 异喹啉 脉冲辐解 瞬态吸收光谱 羟基 isoquinoline pulse radiolysis transient absorption spectra hydroxyl radical
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