采用厌氧膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)处理葡萄糖废水,研究进水COD浓度对污泥颗粒化的影响.实验结果表明:随着进水COD浓度从2 000 mg/L上升到10 000 mg/L,传质过程中进入颗粒内部的营养量逐渐增加,促进污泥颗粒化,颗粒直径也随之增大;进水浓度剧烈变化对反应器造成很大冲击,引起细菌生长过快,污泥结构松散,沉降性能下降,COD去除率和产气率降低.
The glucose wastewater was treated by EGSB and the influence of COD concentration on the sludge granulation was studied.The results show that: The diameter of granule that is controlled by the amount of nutrition that enters into the inner of granule in the course of the transferred matter becomes greater with the COD concentration of supplying sewage ranging from 2 000 mg/L to 10 000 mg/L;it is the sharp change of the concentration of supplying water that could cause too much fast growth of microorganism a...
Journal of Zhengzhou University(Engineering Science)