戴维·洛奇的小说《灵与肉》描写的是第二次梵蒂冈会议及 Humanac Vitae 发表以后,天主教徒如何重新审视权威与良心,如何经历着各种改革,最后又如何选择了一位保守派新主教的故事。本文以《灵与肉》为研究对象,通过对作品申天主教徒的共性和个性的发掘,认为《灵与肉》这部作品就像是天主教徒生活的多面镜,全方位多角度地反映了当时英国天主教内部的状况,是英国天主教那个徘徊时期的一个缩影。
David Lodge s Souls and Bodies mainly described how British Catholics reconsidered the authority and conscience, how they experienced all kinds of reforms inside and outside the Church,and how they finally elected a conservative Pope.Through the exploration of the universality and individuality of Catholics,this thesis draws a conclusion that Souls and Bodies is a mirror-reflection of the reality of the English society.The novel is an epitome of the waving period of British Catholic Church.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)