

Urban Traffic, Petroleum Consumption and Environment
摘要 机动车是城市最主要的交通工具。目前全世界拥有的机动车数量已经是6亿辆,全世界石油资源消耗的一半是用于交通运输的燃料消耗。全世界的机动车每年抛向大气层的温室气体CO2为40亿t,是人类活动排放总量的20%。由机动车所排放的PM、HC和NOX等污染物对人体健康构成了严重威胁。世界上石油资源的储量有限,氢能机动车尤其是质子交换膜燃料电池汽车是未来最理想的选择。 Vehicle is the most important means of urban traffic, and half of petroleum resource is consumed for fuel of 600million vehicles worldwide, which discharge atmospheric greenhouse gas CO2 of 4 billion tons that covering 20% of total emission of human activity. Pollutants including PM, HC and NOX emitted by vehicle are harmful to human health. Since the reservoir of petroleum resource is limited, hydrogen driven vehicle is the most ideal choice for the future.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期55-58,共4页 Environmental Science & Technology
关键词 城市交通 石油消耗 环境影响 氢能机动车 urban traffic petroleum consumption environment impact hydrogen driven vehicle
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