
四氯联苯对鸡胚性腺原始生殖细胞的毒性影响 被引量:1

Toxicity Effect of Tetrachlorobiphenyl on Primordial Germ Cells of the Gonads in Chicken Embryos
摘要 采用四氯联苯处理发育至X期的白来航鸡种蛋,孵化5.5天后取出胚胎进行全固定,用石蜡切片和PAS染色(高碘酸希夫试剂)研究四氯联苯对鸡胚性腺原始生殖细胞(PGCs)的影响。结果表明,四氯联苯对发育至5.5日胚龄的鸡胚性腺PGCs数量和结构有明显影响,但雌二醇处理的5.5日胚龄鸡胚PGCs数量变化不显著,其结构无明显变化。表明四氯联苯对5.5日胚龄的鸡胚性腺PGCs的影响主要来自于其毒性作用。 Paraffin method,HE staining and PAS staining were used to study the effects of tetrachlorobiphenyl on chicken primordial germ cells(PGCs) at 5.5 days old. Fertilized White Leghorn eggs were treated with tetrachlorobiphenyl at 0 day of incubation,and the number and structure of PGCs were measured at 5.5 days old. The results showed that primordial germ cells at 5.5 days old were damaged significantly. No obvious effects on PGCs were observed with estrdiol treatments. The results indicate that the effect of tetrachlorobiphenyl on chicken primordial germ cell may be via its toxicity effect instead of estrogen-mimicking effect.
出处 《中国家禽》 北大核心 2007年第15期24-26,共3页 China Poultry
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号30270648) 浙江省科技攻关项目(批准号2005C22052)
关键词 四氯联苯 性腺 原始生殖细胞 毒性 tetrachlorobiphenyl gonads toxicity chicken
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