This article concentrates on the method of the determination of diazepam and chlorpromazine residue in meat and kidney,by using HPLC-MS/MS.The D6-chlorpromazine was added to sample as an internal standard.Then extracted the sample with acetonitrile,cleaned up the extract through Oasis HLB cartridge.Determination and confirmation is made by means of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,using internal standard method.The limit of quantitation of chlorpromazine and diazepam are all 1.0 μg/kg.
This article concentrates on the method of the determination of diazepam and chlorpromazine residue in meat and kidney,by using HPLC-MS/MS.The D6-chlorpromazine was added to sample as an internal standard.Then extracted the sample with acetonitrile,cleaned up the extract through Oasis HLB cartridge.Determination and confirmation is made by means of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,using internal standard method.The limit of quantitation of chlorpromazine and diazepam are all 1.0 μg/kg.
Journal of Instrumental Analysis