为了实现羊毛/苎麻复合织物一浴一步法同色染色,对苎麻进行阳离子化改性。经阳离子化改性的苎麻纤维采用毛用活性染料、Lanaset染料、酸性染料进行染色试验。通过调节染色温度和元明粉用量,使羊毛/麻复合织物用尤纳素红6GN、尤纳素黄4GK、尤纳素蓝3GS、Lanasetred 2B、Lanaset yellow 4GN、Lanaset blue 5G、弱酸艳蓝5GM、弱酸红10B、弱酸黄6G实现了一浴一步法同色染色。结果显示同色效果较好。
Cationic modification of ramie before spinning of wool/ramie blending yarn is applied in improving the union dyeing of the blends.The modified ramie could be dyed with wool reactive dyes(Unisol),pre-mordant dyes(Lanaset) and acid dyes.With the adjustment of both dyeing temperature and the adding of Na2SO4,the union dyeing effects were achieved between wool and the modified ramie with the dyes of Unisol Red 6GN,Unisol yellow 4GK,Unisol blue 3GS,Lanaset yellow4GN,Lanaset red2B,Lanaset blue5G,Acid Violet 54,Acid Yellow 44,C.I.Acid Blue 142 in optimized one bath and one step dyeing process.and the union dyeing effects are good.
Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University(Natural Sciences)