目的:检测急性心肌梗死(acute myocardial infarction,AMI)和不稳定性心绞痛(unstable angina pectoris,UAP)病人血浆凝血酶时间(thrombin time,TT)、抗凝血酶Ⅲ(antithrombinⅢ,ATⅢ)和D二聚体(D-dimer,DD)水平,以探讨冠心病病人体内凝血?纤溶系统的变化。方法:采用全自动凝血分析仪检测150例AMI和UAP病人,50例健康对照者的TT、ATⅢ和D-D水平。结果:AMI组和UAP患者ATⅢ水平明显低于对照组(P<0.01),AMI组的D-D水平明显高于UAP组和正常组(P<0.01),三组TT水平无显著性差别(P>0.05)。结论:ATⅢ活性降低和DD水平增高是监测和鉴别AMI和UAP发生的敏感性指标。
Objective:To study the change of thrombin time(TT),antithrombin Ⅲ(ATⅢ) and D-dimer(D-D) in patients with coronary heart disease.Methods:TT、ATⅢ and D-D levels were determined in 150 patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI) and unstable angina pectoris(UAP) by auto maticcoagulation meter;50 health-matched served as normal controls.Results:ATⅢ levels in patients with AMI and UAP were lower obviously than that in control group(P<0.01).D-D levels in patients with AMI were higher obviously than that in group with UAP and the group of control group(P<0.01).There was no significant difference in three group's TT levels.Conclusions:Decreased level of ATⅢs and increased D-D levels may be the sensitive markers for monitoring and differing the incidence of AMI and UAP.
Qinghai Medical Journal