目的 探讨佳木斯地区0~2岁婴幼儿佝偻病的影响因素,为佝偻病的干预提供依据.方法 整群抽取0~2岁临床上有活动期维生素D缺乏性佝偻病症状和体征的婴幼儿159例,同时随机抽取78例0~2岁正常婴幼儿作为对照组.在填写家庭、社会和营养因素调查表的同时进行相应的体格及实验室检查.结果 单因素分析:佝偻病的发生与母孕期每天日照时间、婴幼儿年龄、每天乳制品的摄入量、每天日照时间、是否患有慢性腹泻等疾病、体重、身高等7个变量显著相关.多因素逐步回归分析:母孕期每天日照时间、婴幼儿出生体重、出生身长、出生后至调查时是否补充维生素D、每天乳制品摄入量及每天日照时间,与佝偻病的发生显著相关.结论 母孕期每天日照时间短、婴幼儿年龄小、出生体重重、出生身长短、出生后未及时补充维生素D、每天乳制品摄入量过少及每天日照时间短,是佝偻病发生的危险因素.
Objective To investigate influencing factors of vitamin D deficiency rickets of children aged 0 to 2 years old in Jiamusi city,so as to provide a basis for intervention of rickets.Methods 159 children with clinically active vitamin D deficiency rickets aged 0 to 2 years old were extracted in cluster sampling method,meanwhile,78 normal children with the same age were selected randomly as the controls.Firstly,the parents were asked to fill in a family and social factors and nutrition questionnaire,then the children received related physical and laboratory examinations.Results Single factorial analysis of variance shown that age of the infant, maternal sunshine time per day(outdoor activity time)during pregnancy,intake of dairy products per day,and sunshine time per day,suffering from chronic diarrheal disease,weight,length of the infant were closely associated with vitamin D deficiency rickets.Muti-factorial gradual regression analysis shown that birth weight,birth of the infant length,maternal sunshine time per day during pregnancy,absence of vitamin D supplement for infants from birth to the survey, daily dairy products intake and sunshine time(outdoor activity time) of the children were closely associated with development of vitamin D deficiency rickets. Conclusion Younger age,heavier birth weight,shorter birth length,shorter maternal sunshine time during pregnancy,absence of vitamin D supplement for the infants from birth to the survey,less daily dairy products intake and shorter sunshine time per day of the children are risk factors of vitamin D deficiency rickets.
Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research