The mechanisms of initiation of human parturition remain unknown.People can't choice reasonable opportunity to deliver to reduce maternal and neonatal mortalities because of our limited knowledge of the mechanisms involved.At present,there are several hypotheses,one of which,hypothesis of functional progesterone withdrawal is paid close attention because of importance of progesterone for pregnancy.The hypothesis is that when the human parturition is initiated,the function of progesterone is down-regulated rather than the level of progesterone is lowered.Increased ratio of progesterone receptor A (PR-A) to progesterone receptor B(PR-B) in the local tissues is basis of functional progesterone withdrawal.PR-B can up-regulate expression of progesterone receptor genes,while PR-A can down-regulate the activity of progesterone,that is to say,increased ratio of PR-A to PR-B weakens regulatory inhibition of progesterone on estrogen and increase expression of estrogen receptor α(ERα).The increased expression of ERα then up-regulates function of estrogen and expression of contraction associated genes,thus the uterus losses its static status and parturition is induced and initiated.
Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
progesterone receptor A
progesterone receptor B
initiation of parturition
functional progesterone withdrawal