采用YAG激光作为焊接热源,针对具有自动控制的激光焊接系统,研究了1.3 mm厚的TC4钛合金薄板的双面激光焊接。分析了试样的焊前清洗、保护气体的选择及激光工艺参数(激光功率密度、焊接速度、脉冲宽度、频率等)的匹配对焊缝形成及表观形貌的影响。试验结果表明,施焊前对试样进行合适的清洗十分必要,未经清洗的试样很难实现焊接成功。在保护气体的选择方面,使用氩气的焊接效果明显优于使用氮气;激光功率密度、焊接速度、脉冲宽度和脉冲频率4个参数的合理组合,是实现钛合金薄板焊接的关键因素。
The dubal facial laser welding of TC4 thin sheet alloy with the thickness of 1.3 mm is studied,by taking pulsed YAG laser as the welding heat resouce.The welding process is realized by automatic control system.The factors that influence the formation of weld beam and its image are analyzed,including clearring before welding,type of shielding gas,laser power density,welding speed,pulse width and pulse frequency.The experiment results show that it is very important to clear the sample surface carefully before welding.It is very difficult to weld successfully for the samples without pre-clearance although the other parameters are the same.Ar gas is pririor to N2 gas as the shielding gas during the welding process.The key factor of realizing an exerllent weld of TC4 thin sheet alloy is the proper combination of laser power density,welding speed,pulse width and the pulse frequency.
Control Engineering of China