郭璞是西晋后期打破玄言诗一统诗坛局面的作家。其儒道互补的双重人格 ,导致其心理的焦虑以及诗性的超越。他对心理焦虑的诗性超越 ,表现为两条途径 :一是创造出道士、蓬莱等诗歌意象 ,以神仙的逍遥、自在 ,反衬世俗的苦涩、艰辛 ;二是创作《游仙诗》 ,在登仙界、凌太清之时 ,以道家的无为之乐 ,化解儒家的功名之执着。
Guo Pu,a poet of the later period of the West Jin Dynasty, has broken through the situation dominated by Xuanyan Poem. His dual personality with the Confucian side complementing to the Taoist one led to the surmounting of his psychological anxiety and finally the surpassing of the mood of his poetry, which are shown on two ways:one is through the creation of images of Taoist priest and sacred place of Penglai,etc, using their being leisurely and carefree to contrast with the realistic bitter and hardness; the other is by writing'Paradise Touring' That depicts the poet melt the confucian insistance on fame and furture with the Taoist doctrine of noninterference when he was touring the paradise. Cuo has a profound influence on the latter generations.
Journal of Fuyang Normal University:Social Science Edition
Guo Pu
personality structure
surpassing the mood