
简论口碑营销 被引量:5

A Powerful Marketing Means—Word-of-mouth Marketing
摘要 口碑营销,因其具有成本低、可信度高、传播速度快等现代传媒所无法比拟的优点,成为市场营销的一把利器。企业应为口碑营销奠定坚实的基础,并通过意的顾客、意见领袖、大众传媒和内部员工等载体,将其传播出去,以影响消费者的购买行为,提高企业品牌知名度。 Word-of-mouth marketing,as a longtime marketing means,has become an efficient marketing method with unique advantages such as low cost,high credibility and fast spreading compared with contemporary mass media.Enterprises should build up solid base for positive word of mouth,and with the help of satisfied consumers,opinion leaders and mass media and with the efforts of their staff members,disseminate them so as to influence the act of consumer's purchase,and gain the popularity of the product brand.
作者 于颖
出处 《大连民族学院学报》 CAS 2007年第6期41-43,共3页 Journal of Dalian Nationalities University
关键词 口碑营销 意见领袖 传播路径 word-of-mouth marketing opinion leader communication path
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