Mr. Liang Ji, an old fogy who had witnessed great social changes, drowned himself. His death showed that modern fogies who were looking forward to reviving the old Chinese learning lacked a mental ability required to bear the old culture being abandoned and criticized. They also could not endure a non-Chinese value system which became the center of common ideas in daily lives. In their opinion, 'the holy learning' was a kind of organic system, which was beyond spatial-temporal, absolutely reasonable, prefect and self-harmonious. Those late Qing Dynasty fogies classified by means of a potential logic all kinds of cultural information and cultural stimuli into the old framework of cognition. It is also the profound reason why many fogies could keep a dignified, sham and arrogant cultural superiority complex when they were faced with the coming of a new culture. An analysis of the cultural meaning implied in the death of Liang Ji so greatly enlightens us that we naturally think hard enough to seek out the answers to these questions: why did China with relics of a long culture drop behind other countries in modern times? why was it difficult to develop resources of modern thoughts such as democracy and science in China? What's more, on the basis of such analysis, we are so enlightened that we have a understanding of the inevitability of realizing shifts of times in traditional culture and morality, and that we can not indulge in moral idealism.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)