

Transformation Properties of Generalized Grtzsch Ring Function
摘要 该文将Grtzsch环函数μa(r)的一种离散的变换性质推广为广义Grtzsch环函数μa(r)的一种连续的变换性质,得到了μa(r)所满足的几个不等式,并改进了原有的关于μa(r)的相应结果. In this paper,the authors extand a kind of discrete transformation properties of the Grtzschring function μa(r) to continuous case,and obtain some functional inequalities for the function μa(r).More-over,the authors improve these known discrete transformation properties for μa(r).
出处 《杭州电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第2期77-81,共5页 Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University:Natural Sciences
基金 This work was supported by National 973 Project of China(2006CB708304)
关键词 广义椭圆积分 模方程 环函数 不等式 generalized elliptic integrals Ramanujan's modular equation ring func-tion inequalities
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