政社合一”的人民公社体制取消后 ,我国农村逐步实现了“乡政村治”的行政格局。尽管目前有些地方存在非良性对接的现象 ,但从理性发展的角度分析 ,在社会学理论层面上蕴涵着制度创新的意义 :一是权力结构创新 ,体现了国家与社会的对立统一 ;二是政治体制创新 ,实现了直接民主与间接民主相结合 ;三是管理功能创新 ,做到了行政调控与自我调控的相互补充。坚持实践与完善这一制度 ,对于维护农村长治久安 ,深化经济、政治体制改革 ,有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。
After abolishing the “integrate-politics-and-commune” people’s commune system, the countries in China have gradually accomplished the “village-govern-township-politics” administrative structure. Though non-virtuous connection phenomenon still exists in some areas recently, from the rational developing angle and in respect of sociology theory, it contains innovatory significance in system: firstly, it is an innovation in power structure and it embodies the unity of opposites between state and society; secondly, an innovation in political system, it integrates direct democracy with indirect democracy; thirdly, an innovation in management function, it makes the administrative regulation and self-regulation mutually complementary. Sticking to practicing and improving the connection has great realistic meaning and profound historic significance in maintaining a lasting political stability of countryside and deepening the reform of economic and political system.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University
the innovation in system, the “village-govern-township-politics”
virtuous connection