针对模拟电子技术基础课教学存在的问题,在Windows操作平台上用Visual Basic 6.0等工具软件,将教学内容通过生动形象的图、文、声、像有机组合成多媒体演示系统,使其具有友好的界面和良好的人机交互功能,既便于教师课堂演示时控制节奏、减轻教师的工作量,又可大大提高学生的学习兴趣、增加信息量。
To the problems of existing in fundamentals of analogy electronic teaching,a CAI courseware on analogy electronics is exploited by using tool software of Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows.The measurement multi-medium demonstration system is made up of the teaching content by diagram and text and voice of the vivid image and resemble and so on,and has function of interface friendly and Human-Computer interaction.It not long raises the experiment efficiency and all aviate the teacher's workload,but also advance learning interest energetically and add to students's information.
Journal of Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology