新的一年,新的起点,新的一片天。 2004年,中国电信业会呈现什么样的表情?能否忘却往日的悲伤,能否重拾旧时的辉煌?有人说它是平淡之年,有人说它是复苏之年,还有人说一切难以预言……但是,总有变革在真切地发生,以一种不可忽视的势头冲击着束缚,涤荡着存在并发展了一百多年的传统电信行业。这种变革的动力来自技术、来自市场……它们带来的变化之剧烈,足以改变电信行业的基本格局和发展轨迹。
The new year of 2004 also means the new jumping-off point and new development as well. In the
year of 2004, what will be the main developmental rhythm
of the China telecom industry? Can it break away from the depression and make the brilliant development reappear? Maybe the year is quiet, or it may be the year of recovery. Different people may have different opinions. However, evolution and changing vividly occur before us. The tendency is so obvious and huge that it shakes off any fettering factors and exerts a subtle influence on the traditional telecom industry.
The motive power comes from technology, market,......All in all, the
evolution is certain and the influence out of the evolution is so great as to change the basic pattern and development of telecom industry.
China Telecommunications Trade