
北京大容量快速公交系统的发展思路和初步行动 被引量:13

Action Plan for Implementation of Bus Rapid Transit Systems in Beijing
摘要 持续增长的交通需求 、迅 猛发 展 的 小 汽车 和发展滞后的公共交通系统等相互作用 ,使北 京城市交通面临日益严峻的挑战。受 道路条件和小汽 车发展等因素的影响,改善常规 公交的投入收效越 来越小,而轨道交通 建设又 “远水解 不了 近渴 ”。相对 而言 ,大 容量 快速公交系统具有投资小、建设周 期短、运量大、灵活和环保等特点。因此 ,北京 把发展大容量快 速公交系统提到了议事日程。在建设方面,北京的基 本思路是:调整策略 ,推动快 速公交 系统 的发 展; 加强 科研 ,规划 先行 ;由易到难,由外向内,先试点再推广 ;优化 和整合各种公共交通方式。在科研和实践中 ,北京 将着重处理几个重大关系:大容量快速公交系统与 城市用地的关系;大容量快速公交系统与轨道交通的关系 ;大容 量快速公交系统与常规公交的关系;大容量快速公交 系统与城市道路的关系。北京目前正 在进行大容量快 速公交系统示范工程的可行性研究,并且 已经迈出了发展大 容量快速公交系统的第一步。这必将 对完善北京的公 共交通系统做出积极贡献, 本文对此进行了总结。 Beijing transportation system has come under extreme stress caused by increases in travel demand and the rapid growth of car ownership. The public transport system is relatively underdeveloped. Previous attempts to improve bus service have been constrained by extreme traffic congestion, and the metro system has not been able to accommodate existing travel demand. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) offers an attractive solution. Like metro, BRT systems can provide high capacity, good level of service and environmental benefits. Unlike metros, they are inexpensive to build and operate, can be implemented in far less time, and retain the inherent flexibility of conventional bus systems. Beijing Municipal Government has adopted an integrated strategy for implementation of BRT, composed of four main elements: Adjustment of the existing transport development plan to incorporate BRT; Implement a BRT research and development program; Implementation of BRT corridors based on an 'outside to inside' principle; Careful integration of BRT corridors with other public transport modes. The paper focuses on addressing the following aspects of the strategy: Integration of BRT development with land use management; Coordination of BRT services with the metro system; Integration of BRT corridors in a coherent system; Development of BRT within the road system functional hierarchy. The Government has started the feasibility study of the first BRT demonstration project. This is a major milestone for implementation of the BRT development plan.
出处 《城市交通》 2004年第2期25-28,共4页 Urban Transport of China
关键词 城市交通 公共交通 大容量快速公交系统(BRT) urban transport public transport Bus Rapid Transit(BRT)
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