Strategic plan, which is an advanced organizational management, acts as an indispensable centralize guidance in district economic improvement. Along with the Tenth-Five Year Plan, the east-west interactive strategy for national land development project has been carried out in China, Under such an inspiring situation, the thesis comprehensively evaluates the advantages and disadvantages in the development of the middle economic region. As a result of the change of external environment, the middle region faces considerable opportunities and challenges, thus four concrete operative strategies should be pointed out: the middle region should construct and prompt the Middle Region Economic Development Alliance to make use of the district economic superiority; the middle region should enjoy a sense of development instead of a sense of complacent and conservative, aim at renewing development concept and purifying economic environment; the property strategy should be transformed from resource-oriented and self-development to market-oriented so as to attract different kinds of resources to gradually grow into a specialized base which is competent in both international and national market competition; the middle region should make further improvement on the transportation to prompt tourism.
Journal of Xianning University
the middle economic region
east-west interactive tactics
strategic plan