梭罗的代表作《瓦尔登》之所以为先验主义文学的特征是因为全文的宗旨是先验主义宗旨 :自然有产生愉悦、提供价值和意义的能力。同时它跟古典田园文学有相似之处 :其一是转录田园希望 ;其二是颂扬悠闲以及完全放松与宇宙溶为一体的感觉。还指出了它跟古典田园文学的不同之处 ;它属于美国典型浪漫主义牧歌式文学 ,描写的是与现实相接的一片神秘、原始、荒芜的乐土 ;其次《瓦尔登》冷静开明。不是一味地歌颂田园牧歌 ,否认现实的工业化 ,而是同时列举田园及工业化各自的优劣 ,表现对田园的一丝怀旧 ,对现代工业既敬慕又畏惧的情怀。
Thoreaus Walden is a transcendental literature because the crux of Walden is that of transcendentalism:nature has the capacity to produce delight,supply value and meaning.Meanwhile,Walden is related to the classic pastoral.The similarities are:to circumscribe the pastoral hope and to celebrate the idleness and that sense of relaxed solidarity with the universe.The differences are:Walden belongs to typical American version of romantic pastoral,which describes a mysterious,untrammeled and primal paradise beginning at the limit of a real village;and Walden is cool and open minded.It doesnt celebrate the pastoralism or deny the real industrialism,but lists the advantages and disadvantages of the two,showing its authors nostalgia for pastoral as well as his admiration for and fear of the industrial.
Journal of Shaoguan University