《君子于役》作为《诗经》中思妇题材的优秀篇目 ,其魅力在于以一瞬表现永恒 ;取景典型、移情于景 ;语句朴素而内蕴丰厚。对于东汉末年的《古诗十九首》、魏晋南北朝时期抒写相思离别之情的民歌和文人诗、唐朝的春怨闺情诗等 ,都具有不可忽视的开启作用。
As outstanding table of contents of subject matter of thinking fondly of the beloved in 'the Book of Songs',the glamour of 'Husband out in labour' lies in displaying eternalness in the twinkling of an eye;Selecting views typically and asking the scenes to be lyrical;Expressing the sentence simply and passing on the connotation inside richly. For the '19 Pieces of Ancient Poem' in last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty,the folk songs and scholar poems which described love and missing in the Wei and Jin Dynasties,the Southern and Northern Dynastyies,hidden bitter and boudoir love poems in the Tang Dynasty,etc,'Husband out in labour'has a function of openning that can't be ignored .
Training and Research-Journal of Hubei College of Education