

Reconsideration for Market Style Reforms of State-owned Commercial Banks
摘要 入世对中国银行业形成极大压力。由于在目前和可以预见的未来 ,要把证券市场变成主要的融资渠道是不现实的 ,且银行业对民间资本的开放还有许多实际工作要做 ,因此国有商业银行的活力依然是我国银行业竞争力的综合反映 ;而四大国有商业银行市场化改革进展缓慢 ,这其中决定性的制约因素是制度缺陷 ,即“政、银、企”三位一体使得国有商业银行权责利统一难于实现。由于在保持国有独资的前提下 ,改变银行的经营行为相当困难 ,因此必须从宏观上、微观上为国有商业银行的改革提供有利的政策支持和环境支持 ,不仅要改革银行体系内部固有的制度安排 ,依法规范政银企关系 ,而且要通过银证合作来推动国有商业银行进行体制创新。 China's entrance into WTO creates extreme pressure on her state owned commercial banks.For the sake of unreality to divert the stock exchanges into the main financial channels and also that the banks have a lot to do in opening their business to civil capitals, the energy of the state owned banks is still the comprehensive reflection of the competitive power of our country's banks at present as well as in the predictable future.This paper believes that the tardiness of facing the market reforms of the four main state owned commercial banks is due a great deal to the fault and imperfection of the system,i.e. the integrated formation of 'administration (or the government),bank and enterprise'makes it impossible to unify the responsibility,the right and profit which should be enjoyed by the state owned commereial banks.Because of the difficulties in diverting the management of the banks under the condition of remaining the unique capital of the state, policy support and favorable environment must be provided macroscopically and microscopically for the banks.Not only should the inner fixed rules of the bank system be reformed, and the relations among the government,the banks and the enterprises be regulated according to the law,but also the creation of a new system in the state owned bank should be promoted through the cooperation between the banks and stock exchanges.
作者 杜娟
机构地区 郑州市委党校
出处 《洛阳大学学报》 2002年第3期63-66,共4页 Journal of Luoyang University
关键词 国有银行 改革 市场化 State owned banks reform market style








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